About Us

The London Institute of South Asia (LISA) a not for profit organisation specialising in the affairs of South Asia nations. We are totally independent and are not linked to any government, or any political party. We are based in London and as a registered charity with UK Charity Commission. At LISA we do not seek financial assistance or support from any foundation,  NGO and government since they may be driven by their specific agendas.

We are an independent voice determined to speak the truth and provide an alternative source of information, education and ideas for our readers. LISA needs your support in that we are looking forward to benefit from your views and support. Intrinsic to our mission is our dedication to humanity in general and for betterment of the people of South Asia in particular. Our ideological perspective is based on commitment to integrity, fairness, equal opportunity, human rights in intra state and interstate relationships.

We aim to educate public and policy makers on a number of issues; including human rights, caste discrimination, rights of indigenous people, intra and interstate relations to promote peace in the region so that people of the people of region can live in peace, free of fear, discrimination and above all have freedom to shape their lives with benefits of equality, equal opportunity and dignity.

We shall promote freedom and human rights of South Asian communities. We shall endeavour to eliminate discrimination based on religion, caste, tribes, language, race or nationalities. LISA shall try to bring on its platform leaders and academics, philosophers and thinkers, political scientists and historians who share its objective of promoting human rights, peace and freedom for the peoples of South Asia.

LISA does not have a political purpose and our campaigning activities seek and secure such a change is not its primary purpose or activity but flows from our desire to foster human rights and promoting peace. We are dedicated to overall betterment of all people of South Asia.

Mission Statement

LISA primarily is an educational and human rights organisation shall remain specifically committed to the following: -

  • We support human rights and human dignity.
  • We support equal rights for all nations/people big or small, weak or powerful, rich or poor.
  • We support the rights of all indigenous people of nations.
  • We are against military occupation of any nation.
  • We are against terrorism in all its manifestation including state terrorism.
  • We are committed to support all genuine freedom struggles that have universally acceptable moral, historical and political legitimacy.
  • We support and respect the sovereignty of nations.

  • We consider corruption and caste discrimination a human rights issue.
  • Finally, last but not the least; we shall support the cause of truth.

LISA has been established to promoting human rights and peace with its primary focus on South Asia. LISA shall campaign for human rights of all communities and individuals wherever they are with primary focus on South Asia. We are determined to expose discriminatory policies and actions of any or nation that is directed against other nations or against its own people.


Registered Charity Number 1168632.